Planning a wedding is a big job. Some days it might seem like you have a neverending to-do list, but rest assured everything will eventually fall into place! If you are finding things too overwhelming, consider engaging an event planner who can guide you and make sure nothing gets missed.
If you are trying to battle wedding planning on your own, here are 5 wedding day details you won’t want to forget (but sometimes get overlooked!).
Ordering meals for your suppliers
It is proper etiquette and an expectation that food will be provided for each of your vendors. Many couples forget to include these people in their meal count when finalising numbers and this leads to a very awkward situation on the night. Avoid the discomfort by checking numbers and dietary requirements with each of your suppliers prior to the big day.
Including tips in your budget
Depending on the location, gratuity will be an additional cost that needs to be covered. This is a commonly forgotten component of the budget and many couples get hit with this unexpected expense on the day. Couples having destination weddings in countries that tip can often fall prey to this mistake, so make sure you understand exactly how much you should be paying in tips and fit this into your wedding day budget.
Transportation for your bridal party
You’ve worked out how to get yourself, your partner and your bridal party to your wedding venue, but what about afterwards? How will everyone get home or back to the accommodation? It’s a common courtesy to arrange transport for your bridal party to and from the wedding – that way they won’t have to worry about getting home and can spend more time focusing on you!
Booking a block of rooms at a hotel
Make it easy for your guests and accommodation provider by booking out an entire block of rooms. That way, they will be reserved for anyone who needs them and will make it easy for the hotel to group people together. The last thing you want is for someone to miss out on a spot because they are too late and the hotel has been booked out.
Organising a ‘Plan B’
There are some things that are simply out of our control. As much as we would like, we cannot control the weather and this can pose serious implications for some wedding events. Ensure you have a backup plan ready in case things don’t go your way on the day. A change of plans might be disappointing, but it will be much less stressful if you have something else prepared.
Is there something we’ve missed? Maybe you overlooked a detail until the last minute? Share your thoughts in the comments below and help future couples plan for their big day!