With Corona restrictions still in place around the world, many couples are faced with the difficult decision of postponing their wedding or downsizing it. Given the uncertain future that we face, many are opting to keep their date and simply adjust their plans to adhere to current laws.
If you are in this position and have always dreamed of a big wedding, do not despair! A small, intimate wedding has a certain magic and is sure to be a memorable experience for both you and your guests. That’s not to say that it can’t be challenging, especially if you’ve already sent invitations to a large guest list.
Our guide will outline the benefits of the reduced size and provide tips on how to plan the ultimate small wedding.
Benefits Of A Small Wedding
- More Intimate
While a big group can generate buzz, there’s something enchanting about the atmosphere of a small wedding. It’s almost as if everyone is bonded by the exclusivity of the event, rather than being another face in the crowd. It might be the fact that the only people present are those closest to you or perhaps that your guests really appreciate being chosen to share in your special day, but small weddings are often quite emotional and are guaranteed to be an unforgettable experience for everyone involved.
- Higher Quality Interaction
It’s not uncommon for a newly wedded couple to get to the end of the night and feel as though they haven’t really had a chance to speak to anyone. With a large wedding, you are likely to feel obligated to make the rounds and see every single person, never getting a chance to linger and have a proper conversation. This problem doesn’t exist with a smaller, more intimate wedding. You’ll have time to interact with your guests and truly share the experience with them, as opposed to a fleeting ‘congratulations’ and ‘thank you for coming’.
- Bigger Budget Per Person
A smaller guest list also means a bigger budget per person. You can invest in your guests and show them how important they are to you, rather than providing a token favor. These are the people that you love the most and it’s not often that we get to show them in this way. Consider personalization or something luxurious to really create the exclusive, intimate vibe at your small wedding.
Tips for Planning a Small Wedding
Planning a small wedding is not without its challenges. Our tips are intended to help make the process easier so that you can have your dream wedding without the hassle.
- Adjust Your Mindset
When you start planning your wedding, it can be easy to fall into the trap of doing what is expected. It’s time to throw this mentality out the window as it will be absolutely no assistance as you plan your small wedding, especially if you are downsizing given the current climate. Remember that this day is about you and your partner, so these are the two people who need to be happy with your plans. Forget about satisfying everybody else – it’s impossible with any wedding, but this is especially important to remember with a small one.
- Get Tough On Your Guest List
If you are planning a small wedding this is likely to be the toughest part, especially if your the type of person who originally included everyone from your dentist to your cousin’s ex-boyfriend. The best approach is typically to classify all guests using a simple system – A, B and C. The A category is for your innermost circle, which will likely be your immediate family and closest friends. B is for the next layer, typically good friends and other family members who didn’t make it in the A category. C is for everyone else – your parent’s friend, acquaintances, people who you feel like you should invite but don’t really care if they attend. The only way this process will work is if you be tough and completely honest. If you are serious about having a small wedding (and if you are restricted by current laws), keep the A group and cut the rest.
- Manage Expectations
Once you’ve made decisions about the size of your wedding, start communicating them. Let your parents know that you are having a small, intimate wedding and that there is no room on the guestlist for their friends. This way, there won’t be any surprises or awkward interactions if they begin making plans that don’t align with yours. The more widely you can spread this information, the less likely people are to be offended as there will be no prior expectations.
- Prepare For Backlash
We are all navigating uncertain times so it would be inappropriate for anyone to complain about not getting an invitation, however it’s likely to happen. Even without the pandemic, many people lose sight of the fact that a wedding is about the couple and take it personally if they are left off a guest-list. If you are planning a small wedding or reducing your original guest list, be prepared for some disgruntled people. You should not feel guilty over making the right choices for you, but you don’t want to be surprised when you hear that some people are unhappy.
The best way to deal with it is to address complaints directly. If somebody mentions it to you or you hear through the grapevine that somebody is unhappy, pick up the phone and have a conversation. Explain the situation, apologize that they are feeling that way, and let them know that you would have been happy to have them join the celebration if you were having a bigger wedding, then leave it at that. You’ve done the right thing by clearing the air and it is now up to them to move past it. Plus you’ve got more important things to focus on!
While planning a smaller wedding can be slightly simpler in terms of logistics, there are other obstacles that need to be navigated to ensure a positive experience for you and your guests. With a little extra thought, your intimate wedding is sure to be unforgettable.