BE Group Productions | How To Deal With Planning A Wedding During Stressful Times
Wedding Advice

How To Deal With Planning A Wedding During Stressful Times

Planning a wedding can be stressful enough without facing a whole period of uncertainty. Many future brides are currently in this situation with Corona Virus and we know that this must be causing some anxiety. For those of you who have upcoming nuptials planned, do not despair. This chaos will pass, and you will be able to have the wedding of your dreams, even if it needs to occur at a later date.


To help guide you through this difficult period, we have put together some tips on how to deal with wedding planning during stressful times.


  • Focus On What You Can Control

This is easier said than done, however it is critical to your mental wellbeing that you focus on what you can control. Thereā€™s no point stressing about all of the things that might happen when you have no power over them. Make a list and address the problems and tasks that you can, while acknowledging that there are some things outside of your control.


  • Make Decisions As Early As Possible

With many things up in the air, it is likely that numerous brides and grooms are facing some tough decisions. The worst part of the situation is the unknown and this leads to indecisiveness. If you are faced with any dilemmas (for instance, to go ahead with your wedding plans or postpone for later in the year), try to make the decision as early as possible. It will be disappointing but having a path of action will significantly reduce anxiety. Make sure you create a new to-do list of all the things you need to do to reschedule your wedding as this will provide some structure for your thoughts.


  • Identify The Things You Are Most Anxious About

Thereā€™s likely to be a few key things that are causing you the most stress. Label these. Give a name to them. Being able to identify these stressors will help you to acknowledge them and then make a plan to overcome them. A future-thinking mindset is one of the best ways to address stress and anxiety, so adjusting your thoughts to think about what you can do is much better for your mental wellbeing.


  • Take Some Time For Yourself Away From Wedding Planning

Wedding planning can be all-consuming at the best of times, but it is especially important to take a step back when it is becoming too much and you are facing a particularly stressful situation. If you can feel yourself becoming too stressed, walk away from the planning and turn your attention to something else. The planning will still be there when you get back. Get some fresh air, spend some time with your partner or do something else you enjoy. Just make sure that you remember to look after yourself during this stressful time.


  • Check-In With Your Support Network

With self-isolation and different quarantines happening all over the world, it can be easy to shut yourself off from other people. Make an effort to check-in with your support network, whether that be your parents, your bridesmaids, family members or other friends. They will help keep you grounded and support you through this tough time.


Thereā€™s no denying that planning a wedding during this time is stressful but remember to maintain perspective. It is possible to make alternative arrangements, and even though this may be disheartening, your health and the health of people close to you is the key priority.


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